This is a general category that includes articles on different aspects of technology, including Computers, IT, Robotics and Flying machines

Although Android platforms were recently a subject to a seemingly fierce competition, they stride forward confidently. With an obvious emphasis on technological development and by leaving rethorical excesses aside, Android systems demostrate what underdogs can achieve regradless of their opponents.

Everything about flying machines. From RC to big planes, or mayby even spaceships.

Because technology is constantly updating, it is good to keep ourselves tuned on the latest happenings

Raspberry Pi is a next step in development of portable programming platforms. It is a credit card sized computer, which possesses an advanced GUI and GPIO interface. In addition to that is has USB, HDMI, Ethernet, CSI, Auxillary jack, SD and RCA video out ports. On top of that, it has a range of compatible periferial devices and applications.

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